Brian Walker wins the 2018 Best Play Award for The Last Party.

For the 2022 Arts-Louisville Theatre Awards, we are excited to announce the return of two categories for local playwrights.

Best Play by a Local Writer (long form)

Best Play by a Local Writer (short form)

This will be the first time these awards have been included since the February 2020 ceremony. Once the pandemic began, the paucity of new plays having full productions necessitated dropping the writing awards for two years.

To qualify, the play must have had its first production within a 15-mile radius of 1st Street & Main Street in Louisville between Sept. 1, 2021, and August 31, 2022. A digital file of the production script must be submitted to this email no later than Midnight on October 31, 2022. It should include a title page separate from the main text that contains the dates, company name, and location of the first production. 

Submissions are read by a jury of five theatre/writing academics and winners will be notified in February 2023 before the awards ceremony.

Send submissions to: